Thursday, April 29, 2004


In Campo CA there is a Border Patrol station. When I walked behind it I noticed about a hundred or so illegal aliens in a holding pen. One of the BP agents pointed the way to the trail and said " watch out for the aliens." So I responded "will they abduct me?" The agent had no sense of humor and said they might try and bum cigarettes off of me and a few other stupid things.

They just want to work. They don't want to hastle the hikers.

Well the next morning, as I was getting close to Hauser creek, I hear what sounds like a heard of horses coming down the trail fast. Remember the PCT is graded for horses. So I stopped and stepped off the trail to see five illegal aliens running down the trail in heavy work boots, jeans, and flannel shirts. At ten or so it was already ninety degrees or so. The men ran by covered in sweat, smiled and waved. They crossed the dry creek and disappeared into the underbrush like a flock of turkeys.

Welcome to America, I thought as I climbed out of the canyon.

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