Monday, January 14, 2008

Political Reporting
Krugman takes a swipe.

Since this is an election year, the debate over how to stimulate the economy is inevitably tied up with politics. And here’s a modest suggestion for political reporters. Instead of trying to divine the candidates’ characters by scrutinizing their tone of voice and facial expressions, why not pay attention to what they say about economic policy?

In fact, recent statements by the candidates and their surrogates about the economy are quite revealing.

It is amazing how little reporting on issues the media does. If you want to find the candidates positions click on through.

Update: I just wanted to add these two links to show you the lengths the media will go to to not inform you of what is going on. On December 11, 2001, The Washington Post had four articles about John Edwards. None of them discussed his positions on the issues. Media Matters and Daily Howler.

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