Tuesday, February 05, 2008

2,182 or 3511
Number of miles or kilometers on the Appalachian Trail. Voice of America has a piece on the trail and all distances are in Kilometers.

One of the most popular activities enjoyed by Americans is spending time in forests and walking along paths through the country. This activity, called hiking, has led to the creation of paths throughout the United States. Some of these paths, or trails, are short. Some are only a few kilometers. Others are many hundreds of kilometers.

One of the longest is the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. The trail is the first

The Appalachian Trail
The Appalachian Trail
completed part of the National Trails System. The trails system was established by Congress and the President in nineteen sixty-eight.


The Appalachian Trail is more than three thousand four hundred kilometers long. It starts in the northeastern state of Maine and ends in the southeastern state of Georgia. The trail goes through fourteen states.

They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia.

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