Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Keith Olbermann
As Atrios says:
It's quite interesting watching Keith Olbermann when he's in the mix with the rest of the MSNBC gang. He doesn't share the same set of basic assumptions about the world that most cable talkers, across the ideological spectrum, do. He's also more likely to tweak

Media Matters caught this gem.
During MSNBC's March 5 coverage of the March 4 Democratic presidential primaries and caucus, NBC News anchor Brian Williams and MSNBC hosts Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann discussed Sen. Hillary Clinton's March 1 appearance on NBC's Saturday Night Live. Referring to former SNL head writer Tina Fey's statement on the February 23 edition of SNL that " 'bitch' is the new black," Matthews asked: "Dare we repeat what Tina Fey said was the new black?" Olbermann responded: "There's another word that begins with the same letter as "black" does. Let's distance ourselves -- especially you. Distance yourself as far as you can from that." Matthews said, "No, anyone I think would be fair, from that regard."

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