Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hike Naked Day
Today is the summer solstice. Appalachian Trail thru-hikers will be naked on the trail. Remember if you are going to hike naked, politely cover yourself when others are present. If you should be seen by a child, serious consequences may follow. Police in certain areas wait at trail heads to make sure hikers do not walk into towns naked. Have fun but be careful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will never forget the day, several yers ago when we pulled off he Parkway at an overlook because of good cell phone reception. My wife was talking to her sister-un-law in Waynesville and I was looking. at the map when suddenly I heard, "Bobbie, he's naked." As it turned out the Trail crossed the Parkeway at this overlook and as I looked in the mirror I could see a pair of bare cheeks sanwdiched between hiking boots and a knapsack, disappearing down he trail. Ah to be young again.