Saturday, August 30, 2008

Does 61 Miles A Pilgrimage Make?
I suppose in college it does.

The hike was eight days and 61 miles.

It started on the Appalachian Trail in the middle-of-nowhere Maine and was designed around the idea that studying pilgrimages requires taking one.

At the center of the expedition was University of Virginia religious studies assistant professor Heather Warren, who spent the spring semester teaching Pilgrimage and the Appalachian Trail.

Oh, they changed.

Nature took a toll on all of them by the end, they said.

For one, they and their clothes reeked, they said.

What a change. When confronted with a hiker who is looking to change their life, I always remember the words of Dr Thomas Martin, who in 1742 said, "If an ass goes traveling, it will not come home a horse."

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