Sunday, August 24, 2008

Let Them Eat Sh...
A good post by Kirk James Murphy, MD, on irradiation of food. It is interesting to see an article that does not have to have official government and corporate spin.

Yesterday what remains of the FDA under the Bush regime opened the lead doors to allow Big Ag and Big Industrial Food to start irradiating the life out of the iceberg lettuce and spinach you eat. The FDA claims that nuking these leafy greens is required to keep us safe from the E. Coli and other fecal coliforms (nerdspeak for "shit germs") found to have contaminated the food we bring home to eat. The Bushies, their moles in the Federal agencies that once protected us, and the corporatists they all serve are -- as usual -- lying through their coliform encrusted teeth. Our menus -- and our choices -- need not be collapsed down to the binary option of "nuked food vs poop food". "Let them eat shit" is the GOP's de facto public safety policy, but we don't have to swallow it.

We also don't have to swallow the lie that irradiating greens would prevent most cases of food born illness the greens may carry. The majority of food borne illness linked to greens come from viruses, not bacteria. Irradiation won't kill the viruses -- but it does increase the greens' shelf-life. Gee - wonder what the real agenda is?

Read it all.

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