Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time To Go
George Walker Bush it is time to go. More and more people are going to be calling for his head. In Japan, the would be asking him to commit suicide, the honorable thing for a Samurai to do. Of course, Bush has no honor. Here is James Baker, who worked extra hard to get Bush selected by the Supreme Court.

"What we're seeing out there today is a lack of confidence," Baker told NBC News' "Meet the Press." "And the president-elect and, as a matter of fact, the current president have to face this problem over the next 60 days."

Praising Obama's appointment of "some extraordinarily capable people," Baker said that "something very useful might even come out of the two of them (Obama and Bush) sitting down together and addressing ... (the) stability of our financial system."

As Maha says how much money did he loose in the stock market? Co-presidents? Not going to happen. Anything Bush can do to make Obama's job harder he will. Bush does not care about America. He cares only for himself.

Even Little Tommy Friedman is getting into the act. Remember Tommy had so much patience for Bush's great and glorious war in Iraq, always asking for just six more months, that the term Friedman unit* was coined. But, I guess lossing 3.6 billion in just two months will do that to you.

*Term coined by economics professor Dr Duncan Black. Also Known as the blogger and DFH Atrios.

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