Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The 14 year old who shot and killed hiker Pam Almli will be charged with manslaughter.

MOUNT VERNON — The 14-year-old boy from Concrete who shot and killed a woman last week after mistaking her for a bear will be charged with first-degree manslaughter, authorities said.

Rich Weyrich, Skagit County prosecuting attorney, said he expects to file the charges by Thursday or Friday.

The boy's name and the probable cause document have not been released. But Weyrich says the boy's actions "fit the definition of recklessness."

I am not opposed to hunting bears. I think bears need to be hunted more, not less. Especially in National Parks where the have become habituated to humans. I do not believe anyone with a hunting license should be allowed to hunt in National Parks. Professional hunters only.

Link to a video of where she was shot. She was in the open. And the shooter had just walked up the same trail. To not make sure of your target on a trail you just used is pretty bad.

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